Sycamore Creek is still accepting applications for the 2025-2026 school year. Please submit an enrollment  interest form SCROLL DOWN  to receive a registration link or be placed on the waitlist for the grade of interest.

SCCCS is nonsectarian in its programs, admission policies, and all other operations, and will not charge tuition nor discriminate against any student based upon any of the characteristics listed in Education Code Section 220.

SCCCS shall admit all pupils who wish to attend to the extent that space allows. SCCCS is an open enrollment, tuition-free public school with no specific requirements for admission (e.g., minimum grade point average, test scores, discipline records, etc.) as outlined in Education Code § 47605(d)(2)(A). As stated, no test or assessment shall be administered to students prior to acceptance and enrollment into SCCCS, however, assessments may be administered after enrollment to determine individual instructional programs once students are admitted. Diagnostics of students’ reading, writing, and math skills will serve as aids to teachers and staff.  SCCCS will comply with all laws establishing minimum and maximum age for public school attendance in charter schools.

Based on the development of the child, our curriculum is guided by core principles of public Waldorf education and therefore we will adopt a minimum age of enrollment for each grade level that exceeds the minimum age requirements under the law.  Subject only to capacity, our school will be open to all students who wish to enroll.  Whether to place age-eligible students in Transitional Kindergarten for two years, Kindergarten for one year or in First Grade will be determined by each child’s age and readiness developmentally.  


Grade Level Age Eligibility
Transitional Kindergarten (2 year) 4 by September 1 of the year the student starts Transitional Kindergarten*
Kindergarten (1 year) 5 by June 1st of the year the student begins Kindergarten
First Grade 6 by June 1st of the year the student begins First Grade as well as the developmental readiness of the child
Second Grade 7 by June 1st of the year the student begins Second Grade
Third Grade 8 by June 1st of the year the student begins Third Grade
Fourth Grade 9 by June 1st of the year the student begins Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade 10 by June 1st of the year the student begins Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade 11 by June 1st of the year the student begins Sixth Grade
Seventh Grade 12 by June 1st of the year the student begins Seventh Grade
Eighth Grade 13 by June 1st of the year the student begins Eighth Grade



  State of California Requirements for Registration:

Sycamore Creek Community Charter School (SCCCS) is a Monday to Friday, in-person public school, and follows all state laws for required documentation for student registration and attendance.  Upon acceptance of a Registration Invitation to SCCCS, the required documents must be provided along with a completed registration.  If the required documents are not received and/or if registration is not completed within the required timeline, the Registration Invitation is forfeit.  The documents are as follows:

  • Immunization Record: For requirements and catch-up schedules, please visit: CDPH Shots for School  All medical exemptions are now administered through CAIR-ME: CDPH CAIR ME
  • Verification of Legal Name and Age: Birth Certificate, Passport, etc. 
  • Verification of Residency, 2 forms: Utility Bill, Car Registration, Property Tax Bill, Lease, Pay Statement, Voter Registration, Correspondence from Government Entity, etc.


California Health and Safety Code, Sections 120325-120375

California Code of Regulations Title 17 Division 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter 8 (PDF)

Under these statutes, children in California are required to receive certain immunizations in order to attend public and private elementary and secondary schools, child care centers, family day care homes, nursery schools, day nurseries, and developmental centers (pre-kindergarten facilities). Schools and pre-kindergarten facilities are required to enforce immunization requirements, maintain immunization records of all children enrolled, and submit reporting.

Students must receive required immunizations before they can attend school in California.  A student’s Immunization Record must be provided to the school prior to admission.  Health care providers are required to give or update the parent or guardian’s copy of the student’s Immunization Record whenever these immunizations are administered.  Each page of the personal immunization record must:

 identify the student by name and date of birth
 show the date (month, day, and year) each required vaccine dose was received
 have the type of vaccine received
 include the name of the physician or agency who gave the vaccine

K – 12th Grade Immunization Requirements

Vaccine Catch-up for School – For Age 7+ Years or No Record of Immunizations

Special Cases:

Proof of residency is not required for homeless students in accordance with the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 1987 and Education Code Section 48850.

Community through a Culture of Care

At Sycamore Creek we want all children and families to feel welcomed and included in all aspects of our curriculum. Our goal is to support the community of students, families and faculty to increase self-knowledge, sensitivity, empathy, and build alliances to create a “Culture of Care.”

We ask that as we provide a safe, positive, nurturing learning environment and program with an excellent team of educators committed to teaching guided by the core principles of public Waldorf education, that parents and/or legal guardians help nurture the community by assuring that they and their child(ren)
1) attend regularly and on time
2) attend conferences, class and community events, as able
3) strive to provide supports at home that are in tandem with the school’s philosophy, including a rhythmic daily and weekly schedule, adequate sleep, a nutritious diet, avoidance of overexposure to electronic media, and positive behavioral discipline approaches.
4) support the establishment of a school culture and community of families, teachers, and staff that embraces diversity and inclusion

Sycamore Creek shall be nonsectarian in its programs, admission policies, employment practices, and all other operations, shall not charge tuition, and shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of ethnicity, national origin, race, gender, gender identity, gender expression, disability, or any other characteristic as set forth in Section 47605(d) of the Education Code.


Application Form: