Academic Year 2025/2026 Enrollment/Re-Enrollment Timeline
Sycamore Creek will soon be accepting applications for grades TK-8th grade for the 25/26 school year. If necessary, a lottery will be held in March (TBD). A registration spot will be offered to all applicants once a lottery is held.
Parent/Guardian School Information
Enrollment at our school is by application for the 2025-2026 school year, in accordance with California Education Code as it applies to Charter Schools and per our school’s enrollment policy. Sycamore Creek holds optional tours and information sessions as well for interested parents and/or guardians to learn more about our curriculum which is guided by the Core Principles of Public Waldorf Education.
Enrollment Process
● Open Enrollment/Re-Enrollment for students will begin in February (TBD) and end after approximately five weeks. All interested families, including currently enrolled families, will be asked to submit an Enrollment Interest Form through our Online portal.
Any enrollment applications received after the close of the open enrollment period will be offered a spot on a first come, first serve basis after considering applications received during the open enrollment period and lottery.
● After the “Open Enrollment” period closes the school will determine if a Public Random Lottery (weighted) is necessary. The lottery will occured in March (TBD).
● After the Public Random Lottery selected families will be offered a space for the 2025/2026 school year and sent a link to the school registration packet. Any open spots thereafter will be offered as determined by their position on the lottery waitlist. Once the lottery waitlist is exhausted new applicants will be offered spots on a first come first serve basis as previously indicated above.
Enrollment Admissions Policy
In order to be considered for enrollment in Transitional Kindergarten, students must turn 5 years old before September 2nd of 2026. Students who turn 6 after June 1 before the 1st year of Kindergarten will attend two years of Kindergarten, also known as Transitional Kindergarten. The minimum age for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th grades: 6yr, 7yr, 8yr, 9yr, 10yr, 11yr, respectively, is by June 1st of the year that the student begins the grade.
If it is determined that a lottery will be necessary, then as required by law and according to our school’s charter preferences will be given to qualifying students in the following order:
1. Students currently attending Sycamore Creek Community Charter School are exempt from the lottery per California Education Code § 47605(d)(2)(B).
2. Pupils from founding families, teachers and staff, not to exceed 10% of the total student population are given the highest preference in the event of a lottery.
3. Siblings of students currently attending Sycamore Creek Community Charter School.
4. Students residing within the boundaries of Orange County
5. All other students residing in California.
An applicant will stay on the appropriate wait list of the year they have applied for, after which time a new application for the following year will need to be submitted.
We do not carry our wait lists forward.
* In-District Residency Requirements Board Policy: The student’s primary residence as of the date of their application AND as of the date of their submission of their completed enrollment packet lies within Orange County. The in-county residence has been the student’s primary residence for at least one month prior to the admission lottery, or the family otherwise demonstrates an intention to continue long-term residency in Orange County. The student’s family provides proof of residency by providing the school with two formal documents.
* According to state law, families are required to be in compliance with SB277 and SB714, a vaccination requirement for students (1) entering TK or Kindergarten for the first time, (2) entering 7th grade, (3) transferring from out-of-state, (4) who do not already have a PBE (personal belief exemption) on file with a California school as of December 31, 2015, or (5) do not have a ME (medical exemption). Full details can be found at:
Interested families are encouraged to contact the school for more information regarding our program at